Morenica a mi me llaman
Yo blanca naci
Y del sol del enverano
Yo m'hize ansi.

Morenica, graciozica sos,
Tu morena y yo graciozo,
Y ojos pretos tu.

Morenica a mi me llaman
Los marineros.
Si otra vez a mi me llaman,
Me vo con ellos.

Morenica a mi llama,
El Hijo del Rey.
Si otra vez a mi me llama
Me vo yo con el.


They call me morenica (brunette/black)
But I was born white.
Through the summer sun
I have become like this.

Morenica, gracious one,
You, morenica, my gracious one,
But the black eyes, that's you.

They call me morenica,
the mariners.
If they call me another time,
I will go with them.

He calls me morenica,
the son of the king.
If he calls me another time,
I will go with him.